API 682 Seals
API standard 682 was originally published in 1994.The standard was the result of the efforts of key rotating equipment engineers in the refinery industry. The purpose of the standard was to capture proven solutions to the most common sealing applications seen in refineries. There was no attempt to cover every type of rotating equipment, mechanical seals or application. Rather the standard was to serve as a guide to selecting seals based on what was working in actual services. As part of the process in developing the standard , the API 682 Task Force created definitions for concept such as seal types, seal arrangements , seal qualification tests. Later editions introduced the concept of seal categories and new seal designs such as gas seals and containment seals. Additional options for seal configurations and orientations (such as dual face to face and back-to-back) were added. The scope of the standard was also broadened to include seals for chemical duty pumps. In the process new piping plans and test qualifications procedures were developed to cover the new scope.
API 682 4th Edition
API 682 has created definitions for many of the common features and attributes of mechanical seals and systems. When new concepts are introduced or options are added to the standard, they must be captured in the definitions. The definitions in Fourth Edition have been revised to be more consistent with terms that are used in the sealing industry.